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The Lewis and Clark Low-Income Tax Clinic welcomes you to this tax-payer resource. Disclaimer, this website is not meant to provide legal advice, the purpose of this website is to provide the tax-payer with ideas about the types of documents the IRS might accept in the case of an EITC and/or CTC audit.

If you are seeking legal advice for this type of audit we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our office or a low-income tax clinic in your area.

Responding to a CP75 Notice

What does a CP75 notice look like?

What does getting a CP75 Notice mean?

Getting a CP75 Notice from the IRS means that you claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) on your tax return and that the IRS needs proof that you qualify. 


For an overview of the IRS audit process generally, click here.

So how do I prove I qualify for the EITC or CTC?

If you claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit, proving your claim usually means submitting documents to the IRS that show that you are eligible for the credit. Most often, this involves showing relationship and residence for the children you are claiming. 


We encourage you to look through our website for information about who qualifies for these credits, and ideas for documents to gather to proof relationship and residency. 

Contact the LITC if you think you may have a case:

333 SW 5th Ave Ste 400, Portland, OR 97204

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